Carving Club
Bring a carving that you are currently working on and develop your skills as you work on your piece.
Wednesday, March 6th


Robinson Cook


Carving on the Edge Festival



About this event

The Carving Club is an informal gathering of carving artists. It is an opportunity for carvers to hang out and ply their craft in the company of each other. The Club is not an introduction to carving and participants requires some experience with carving tools.

Learning and being inspired from each other is a natural by product of coming together. It is difficult to find mentorship opportunities, professional arts training and gathering spaces to share knowledge in our remote communities. Carving Club was inspired by the desire to sustain the energy of creative community that is felt at the biennial Carving on the Edge Festival. We are creating a place to come together to perpetuate this art form.

Bring a project that you are currently working on. Wood and tools support is available, and limited tools are accessible to borrow.

Drop-in anytime between 6pm-9pm. Thank you to the Clayoquot Biosphere Trust for providing the space, and the British Columbia Arts Council for financial support.

Contact Robinson Cook for more info: workshops(@)

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Robinson Cook

Since 2014, Robinson has been a key contributor to the success of the workshops programming component of the Carving on the Edge Festival. He has instructed several workshops himself, taken a leadership role in coordinating artist instructors and overseen production. Robinson’s community mindedness and long-standing relationships with artists in the carving community have contributed to his success in facilitating and growing the Open Carving Area. Following the 2018 festival, Robinson formed the Carving on the Edge Carving Club, an informal bimonthly gathering of carvers that was inspired by the desire to keep the momentum going from the festival and to support people who are not carving every day.


316 Main St., Tofino, BC (Clayoquot Biosphere Trust Office)






Carving on the Edge Festival

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